Christmas Gifts for Children in Wheelchairs
Christmas can be stressful and then there’s the additional pressure of finding the right gift for everyone! It can be especially difficult when buying for children and teenagers who are in a wheelchair. So, we’ve put together a few tips and some great gift ideas, that will delight children and parents alike!
1. Focus on their needs and abilities

How about a gift that could lead to a new hobby?
Every child is different and each has individual and unique needs. Look for gifts that will help further their development such as a DIY kit to improve coordination, or an art set to help encourage creativity.
2. What sensory or physical inputs do they enjoy?
Some children with special needs may be hypersensitive or find certain textures, smells and sounds intolerable.
Be sure to ask their parent, guardian or carer some questions to help you understand what they do and do not before making a purchase.
3. Do they have a special interest or hobby?
Whether it’s trains, dinosaurs, animals, building or drawing – children often have something that they are especially interested in. Find out the kinds of toys and activities they do already, so you can select something different they can add to their collection. How about a bow and arrow set, mini-telescope or an easel and paint?
Here are our top three practical gifts for children in a wheelchair:
Wheelchair Gloves
A good pair of gloves can make it easier for children to move their manual wheelchair around. They will prevent skin abrasions or sores, and protect their hands while keeping them mobile.
Gloves are often adjustable and should fit most children, and can be found in a range of colours and styles.
Wheelchair Backpack or Organiser

A wheelchair organiser is a great way to keep their favourite things handy.
Kids generally have stuff they like to take with them when they are out and about, and kids in a wheelchair are no exception to this rule!
A regular backpack can slide off the wheelchair, or be uncomfortable for the user, so it is best to get one that is specifically made to fit on the back of the wheelchair.
A good wheelchair organizer includes several pockets for phones, pens, glasses, a drink bottle, games or whatever your child likes to keep handy.
Think outside the box…
Just because the child has a disability, doesn’t mean you can only buy something related to their condition.
Other popular gifts include wireless headphones and new music or audio-books, a basketball and hoop set, or a board game to play with their family and friends. Plus, everyone loves Lego! Or some funny slippers are sure to keep them smiling!
We hope these tips and suggestions have inspired you to choose some great gifts for a child or teen in a wheelchair. If you’re still in doubt there’s always things like chocolate or sweets, a fun (wheelchair-friendly) experience or a movie voucher.
Of course, the ultimate Christmas gift would be a wheelchair accessible car and a holiday full of adventure and beautiful memories! Merry Christmas and happy shopping…
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