Our wheelchair vehicle conversions have been designed to give your family the freedom to travel and enjoy a full and active life!
There’s no ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to modifying a vehicle to accommodate a wheelchair, so we take the time to meet in person and understand your individual needs. We work with the whole family, OT’s and carers to ensure you get the best conversion solution for your unique needs.
Your safety and comfort is our number one priority, and so our conversions undergo rigorous and regular engineering and compliance testing to ensure we adhere to and exceed National and State safety requirements.
Whether you want to take a family road trip, or just pop down to the local shopping centre, our row 2 and row 3 conversions are popular choices for families with a child who is in a wheelchair. Our vehicle conversions aim to get the best wheelchair position to allow for greater visibility and communication with the child or person who is in the wheelchair.