8 Best Wheelchair Accessories for Travelling

For many wheelchair users, travelling might seem difficult or overwhelming. However, travelling as a wheelchair user is both possible and highly enjoyable with the right preparation.

Planning is one of the most important parts of ensuring any holiday is successful. For wheelchair users, some extra planning is essential as accessibility in some places can be unpredictable.

To help you plan for stress-free and seamless travel, we have listed some wheelchair accessories you should consider taking with you:

1. Phone holder

Taking your phone with you on your travels is essential for keeping in contact with others, taking photos, navigating your way around and for emergencies. Having a phone holder mounted to your wheelchair keeps your device in plain sight and saves you from misplacing or losing your phone.

2. Accessibility Apps

As technology continues to evolve, there are many helpful apps that wheelchair users can use while travelling. Access Earth is a free platform that allows you to find and rate places by your accessibility needs. Similarly, Wheelmate gives you an instant overview of your nearest wheelchair-friendly toilets and parking spaces on an interactive map.

3. Bags and Totes

Wheelchair bags are lightweight and keep you organised during your travels.

Wheelchair bags are lightweight and keep you organised during your travels.

When you’re travelling, there are so many things you may need to carry – wallet, hat, sunscreen, camera, snacks, sunglasses – the list goes on! Shoulder bags and hand bags can get heavy and be a nuisance to carry. A wheelchair bag conveniently attaches to the back of your wheel chair or under the seat, providing safe storage and easy access for all your belongings.

4. Drink Holder

Staying hydrated while you travel is important, especially if you have a busy schedule and you’re taking part in activities outside of your usual routine. Wheelchair drink holders are a convenient way to keep your drink bottle handy and remind you to keep hydrated.

5. Sunshade

Sunshades are designed to protect you from the sun and harmful UV rays, which can lead to sunburn and dehydration, and easily ruin a relaxing holiday. Many sunshades can double as an umbrella to also keep you dry in wet weather!

6. Rain Cape

If you’re headed somewhere with unpredictable weather, you might like to take a rain cape with you to stay dry and comfortable. A rain cape is light weight and shields you and your wheelchair when you’re out and about.

7. Folding Shower Chair

It’s wise to bring along your own shower chair just in case your accommodation does not have one available. This might seem inconvenient, especially if you’re trying to travel lightly, however, there are many lightweight and collapsible, portable shower chairs available which are easy to bring on your travels.

8. Tray Table

Don’t forget to leave home without a tray for your wheelchair! A wheelchair tray provides a sturdy surface for eating and drinking, reading, writing and other activities. Trays are useful if you like to enjoy a good book and soak up the scenery while on holidays.  

If you’re planning on taking a road trip this summer, see our tips for long road trips in a wheelchair and wheelchair accessible beaches across Australia.  

At Automobility we are dedicated to enabling life’s journey! We design our Wheelchair Access vehicles to meet the specific needs of each individual. Call us on 1300 660 773 or contact us online to find out more!

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